Frequently Asked Questions

International Student Career Advisors Consultants H1B jobs OPT CPT internship search Connecticut New York Jersey Manhattan College STEM Engineer

1. Why do I need to hire you if my schools has a career center or an international student service department?

These university/college centers and departments and international student services are great resources for job information, but are not where you find jobs!  And they certainly don't place international students in jobs. 

  • We provide personalized and individualized, one-on-one career advisory services tapered to your needs. 
  • We coach you on how to network and most importantly WHO to network with! 
  • We help you gain the confidence on how to self-promote yourself to so that you can market your personal brand to companies or industries of interest. 
  • We guide you through every step of the way and help you avoid costly mistakes.

Can your college career center or international student services to what we do?

Read:  7 Common Mistakes International Students Make When Job-Hunting

2.  I can find free career advice on the web, in a library and on blogs, why do I need you?

If you need knee surgery, would you read about it on the web, read a blog and then do your own surgery or would hire a medical doctor: an orthopedic surgeon.  For international students, finding meaningful employment is difficult for legal, cultural and geopolitical reasons.  We believe in the adage: "You get what you pay for".  If advice is free, how valuable is it to you?  We provide timely advice specifically for you, based on your personal, academic and career profile.  Most importantly, we continue to develop long-term relationships, connections and contacts in different industries and fields that can ultimately help our clients.  We also have the specialized knowledge of local as well as national employers and what they are looking for.  Our value-added and beneficial advice is, therefore, not free.

3.  What type of services do you provide?

We provide career advisory, internship search and job search strategies to increase the probability and likelihood of ultimately securing an H1-B job.  We empower our you to stand out above the rest in the competitive U.S. job market. See what we can do for your: Services.

4.  Are you good at what you do?

You don't have to take our word for it.  See what our clients are saying!

5.  How much does your service cost?

Firstly, let's ask you what is your annual college tuition fee?  $5,000?  $15,000, $30,000, $45,000, or $55,000 or more?  Do you view it as a cost or an investment in your future career?  Our fees are an investment in your future!  They have tangible results.  Our fee for a single session starts at $775.   We know in many cases that this is less than one month of your future annual salary and less than a roundtrip airfare to your country.

6.  How do you provide your services?

You can make an appointment and come into any one of our regional offices, schedule a Skype session or schedule a meeting on your campus.   However, most of our clients prefer face-to-face, in-person meetings, and we do too.

7.  How do I contact you?

Visit our contact page.

8.  Where are you located?

We have physical regional offices in Woodbridge, CT; Greenwich, CT; Mid-town Manhattan; White Plains, NY; Fort Lee, NJ; and  Boston, MA.

9.  Should I contact you?

If you visited your career center and interntional student office several times, searched the web, read countless blogs, viewed numerous videos and still haven't landed a practical internship or meaningful job - What do you think?

10.  Does politics have an effect on whether I can get an internship or a job?

Absolutely!  Have you been reading the news lately?  The real question is even with geopolitical changes, are you willing to actively take the responsibility to seek the proper advice to help you succeed or just hope for the best.